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Videos from Austere Anesthesia: Improving Safety in Challenging Environments

Apr 13, 2012

Gradian’s symposium at the WCA “Austere Anaesthesia: Improving Safety in Challenging Environments” was successful and well-attended. We were honored to have our 5 speakers present on a variety of critical issues relating to improving anesthesia delivery and surgical/perioperative care in low-resource settings. For those of you who were unable to make it to the session, we have posted videos of each of their presentations below (and included their powerpoint/handouts where appropriate).

Dr. K.A. Kelly McQueen, Global Surgical Consortium and Harvard Humanitarian Initiative

Kelly McQueen’s Video Presentation (Vimeo)

Dr. K.A. Kelly McQueen’s Presentation

Dr. Michael Dobson, University of Oxford

WFSA Questionnaire   

WFSA Machine Performance Standard

Dr. John Sampson, MD, Johns Hopkins University Dr. Sampson’s Presentation (PowerPoint)

Dr. Yaw Adu-GyamfiUNFPA

Dr. Richard McDougall, Royal Childrens’ Hospital Dr. McDougall’s Presentation